Friday, August 3, 2012

People..after 26/11 terror attacks there were calls from the citizens to make a change in leadership and bring accountability and responsibility in governance..At that time I had planned to form a political organisation and mailed my friends all over the globe for joining me...While we were in talks the recession had set in and all of us ended on the receiving end loosing our jobs..I took up writing and started remaining busy while they struggled to to get back on ...Nonetheless, while preparing the party manifestos I had proposed several new acts and prepositions for the states and the country for bringing more accountability in actions..I am very happy to know that NATIONAL SECURITY ACT passed after 26/11 has been made..I had done a similar form in my preposition and now this act in Maharashtra is also the one I had proposed at state level...I am writing this for my friends who had ditched the idea at that time...Today I feel happy to see that 
I was on the right track , ahead of the government and had good foresight !! The following was the proposed act !! The link is the one proposed and passed today !!

a) NATIONAL DEFENCE ACT : NDS,A NON BAILABLE ACT ,should be used for apprehending the suspects on suspicion based on intelligence reports and will have the provisions for the same.This way the suspects will be able to keep under check.The NDA should have provisions to arrest citizens of India if need occurs who are involved in acts which are anti national and anti citizen where the actions of the individual or the group headed by the individual pose danger to the life or property of any individual residing in the country.It will be a Bailable offence.It will keep a check on political and non political groups responsible for creating riots and holding the city or state on ransom. 

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